Zeus Luxury
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The SS19 collection of shoes from Saira blend botanical and floral inspired embellishments with limited edition fabrics. The range uses textured fabrics like raffia, weave and tapestries effects. This is far removed from the <ahref=”https://www.contrastcreative.co.uk/portfolio/saira-shoes-fashion-lookbook/”>SS18 collection, which was heavily influenced by pastels and geometric patterns.
As the number of shoes in the SS19 collection was the same as SS18, both the client and Contrast were happy to keep the previous layout to help the timeline. We worked the collection into dedicated ranges which would each get a new creative shot. Also, each individual shoe required a product image.
The new collection would be unveiled at MICAM, the leading international exhibitions of the footwear industry. Both a lookbook and postcard were required to sit alongside the collection for potential customers to take away.
We had a matter of days to turn the whole project around. We strictly planned out moodboards, page plan, photography, editing, print and delivery to maximise efficiency. As photography is always the main asset for Saira, we focussed on finding inspiration. We created moodboards of inspiration and both designers and photographers discussed the pros and cons of each concept. The chosen option needed to be visually exciting, but also achievable in the time frame.
The winning concept involved polystyrene blocks in a multitude of sizes. These were used as props on which we could position the shoes on and against. They also had the bonus of adding height to the images. These blocks were cost effective, easily photoshopped and available in the time, a clear winner!
Our designers then grouped the shoes into categories and created a page plan. A dedicated sketch of the lifestyle image was created for each page, specifying the shoes and the layout of blocks. We only had 1 day to shoot all of the lifestyle and product images, so this was a necessity. We positioned delicate flowers to bring a softness to the images and also relate the lifestyle images to the botanical and floral theme.
Overall, our team are exceptionally proud with the end result which shows a distinct new style for the Saira SS19 range. Delivered in a super speedy timeframe without scrimping on quality.